在 PG 有一系列 pg_stat_progress_* 的系統表可以查看各個維運指令的執行進度,但這些系統只能夠輔助在我們觀察到單一指令執行慢的時候,去檢視他的執行狀況。
但是當我們在特定需求下需要執行全資料庫的 Reindex 時,或是 Vacuum / Analyze 等等作業,則無從看到整體的執行狀況。
資料庫需要啟用 timed_statistics 設定才能進行以下查看,另外像是 Analyze 和 Vacuum 等等也可以透過 pg_stat_all_tables 裡面的資訊,用類似的方法來查詢。
-- Reindex 進度查看 ( Index 數量 ) with complete as ( SELECT count(*) as complete FROM pg_class where relkind = 'i' and pg_xact_commit_timestamp(xmin) > '2023-08-18 11:01:39.660168+08' -- 指定 Reindex 開始時間 and relfilenode != 0 ) ,total as ( SELECT count(*) as total FROM pg_class where relkind = 'i' -- 指定 Index and relfilenode != 0 -- 排除一些 Global Instance 共通的 Index ) select 100 * complete / total as percentage from complete, total;
-- Reindex 進度查看 ( Index 大小 -- 可能會查比較久 ) with complete as ( SELECT sum(pg_relation_size(oid)) as complete FROM pg_class where relkind = 'i' and pg_xact_commit_timestamp(xmin) > '2023-08-18 11:03:27.357639+08' -- 指定 Reindex 開始時間 and relfilenode != 0 ) ,total as ( SELECT sum(pg_relation_size(oid)) as total FROM pg_class where relkind = 'i' and relfilenode != 0 ) select round(100 * complete / total, 2) as percentage from complete, total;